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Название: Prognostication of storage terms for pasteurized sausages with active package elements
Авторы: Pasichnyi, V.
Shevchenko, O.
Khrapachov, O.
Marynin, A.
Radzievskaya, I.
Matsuk, Y.
Geredchuk, A.
Kuligin, M.
Ключевые слова: small sausages
lipids spoilage
active package
Дата публикации: 26-Авг-2020
Серия/номер: DOI:;10.21303/2504-5695.2020.001376
Аннотация: The work is devoted to optimization modeling of an influence of pasteurization with oxygen absorbers on spoilage processes of lipids of boiled sausage products. According to the results, the influence on changes of peroxide and acid numbers of lipids of small sausages, pasteurized at presence of an oxygen absorber, has been mathematically prognosticated. At mathematical modeling, mathematic packages MathCad and «Data analysis» (ЕТ) MSExcel were used. The experiment was planned according to the plan of full factorial experiment. The dependence as to the influence of the recipe composition of sausage products at their storage on peroxide and acid number values has been revealed. The conducted modeling allows to state the adequacy of obtained regressive equations. The obtained empirical dependencies allow to prognosticate a storage term of boiled sausages products, pasteurized with elements of active package at using protecting barrier multi-layer polymeric materials.The optimization modeling was conducted by structuring a mathematical model as an analytic expression that reflects the connection of factor signs with a parametric index. The obtained response functions are adequate and have a high correspondence to real experimental data. Storage terms were substantiated for small sausages, which recipe included beef, pork, poultry meat and also food emulsions, based on animal proteins. The process of repeated pasteurization was conducted at temperature 85–90 °С during 15–20 minutes.
URI: http://dspace.puet.edu.ua/handle/123456789/9169
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті (ННІДО ТХВРГ)

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