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Название: Research of consumer properties of developed biscuits based on organic raw materials
Авторы: Tkachenko, Alina
Ofilenko, Natalia
Goryachova, Elena
Syrokhman, Ivan
Lozova, Tetyana
Hmelnitska, Yevgenia
Shurduk, Inna
Ключевые слова: biscuits
organic raw materials
nutritional value
maple sugar
coconut sugar
Дата публикации: 26-Май-2020
Серия/номер: «EUREKA: Life Sciences»;№1 (19), 2019
Аннотация: The article discusses the recipes of new biscuits based on organic raw materials, as well as the results of the study of their quality and safety indicators. The aim of this research is studying the consumer properties of biscuits, developed on the basis of organic raw materials, which will expand the range of organic confectionery products. The main difference between the developed biscuit recipes is that instead of wheat flour buckwheat flour, spelled flour and hemp flour were used, and coconut and maple sugar were used as sweeteners. To determine the organoleptic characteristics, a 25-point scale was developed, which includes indicators: taste, smell, appearance, crust state, crumb color. On the basis of the carried out organoleptic assessment, it has been established that the developed biscuits have a pleasant taste and good aroma and are highly appreciated by the tasting commission. Physico-chemical characteristics and safety performance of the developed products were within the normal range. Thanks to the use of non-traditional raw materials, the energy value of biscuits was reduced. On the basis of the obtained data, the expediency of expanding the range of organic confectionery products with new types of biscuits is substantiated.
URI: http://dspace.puet.edu.ua/handle/123456789/8427
ISSN: 2504-5687
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті (ННІДО ТБЕМС)

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