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Название: Quality format of innovational model for development economy in Ukraine: standardization and certification
Авторы: Bondar-Podhurska, Oksana
Glebova, Alla
Yudicheva, Olha
Ключевые слова: innovative model for development economy
the index innovation development
Дата публикации: 2-Апр-2020
Аннотация: The Index of innovative development of the Ukrainian Economy for 2007-2017 is calculated on the basis of the additive model, the principal components method and the sliding matrix, as novelty. The tendency of its decrease and the problem of commercialization results of scientific and technical activity as an indicator to improve the quality management of products are singled out. Therefore, we proposal the implementation of ISO 50001:2011, which will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental impacts, as well as reduce energy costs through the systematic management of energy resources. The ISO 8000 "Social Responsibility" standard is recommended, which will help to increase the investment attractiveness of the economy, create opportunities for entering the stock markets and create transparency of business processes in Ukraine. The legislative experience of transition national producers to implementation of HACCP procedures is analyzed. This is an awareness of the global problem of food quality and safety. The requirements of the international standard ISO 22000 apply to all types of food industry. The legislation of Ukraine in the field of sanitary measures is poorly adapted to the requirements of the European Union. These problems are reforming the system of state control and supervision over food safety. In order to harmonize national legislation with the requirements of the European Union, three transitional periods of adaptation different duration have been identified. The authors propose simultaneous application of the above standards of quality and safety management, which will affect the qualitative parameters of the innovative model of the development economy in Ukraine.
URI: http://dspace.puet.edu.ua/handle/123456789/8274
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті (ННІДО М)

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