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Название: Forecasting of the Competitiveness of Global Clothing Manufacturersinthe Global Market (based on the Materials of Zara, Nike, Dior, PradaCompanies)
Авторы: Flehantova, Anna
Kupriienko, Yevheniia
Ключевые слова: forecasting
statistical analysis
transnational corporations
global market
Дата публикации: Ноя-2024
Библиографическое описание: Flehantova, A., & Kupriienko, Y. (2024). Forecasting of the Competitiveness of Global Clothing Manufacturers inthe Global Market (based on the Materials of Zara, Nike, Dior, Prada Companies). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14630329
Аннотация: Purpose. The main aim of the article is to analyze and compare the competitiveness trends of major fashion and apparel brands - Zara, Dior, Prada, and Nike - using predictive models. The article aims to identify how these companies are expected to perform in terms of competitiveness from 2024 to 2025 and highlight the variability in their competitiveness coefficients based on forecasted data. Methods. The article employs forecasting analysis to project the competitiveness coefficients of the companies for 2024–2025. It also uses comparative analysis to examine and contrast the trends and indices of Zara, Dior, Prada, and Nike. Additionally, statistical modeling is applied through the use of two different models to ensure the robustness and reliability of the predictions. Results. Zara demonstrates the most promising trend in competitiveness among the studied brands, with its coefficient expected to grow steadily in 2024–2025. Dior, despite experiencing a predicted decline in its competitiveness coefficient during the forecast period, is projected to maintain the highest overall index among the brands. Prada's competitiveness coefficient is also likely to increase, but the results are less conclusive compared to Zara. Meanwhile, Nike shows an inconsistent trend, with an initial increase in 2024 followed by a decrease in 2025, ultimately remaining below its 2022 level. These findings highlight varying trajectories of competitiveness among the analyzed companies. Conclusions. Among all the predicted values based on the results of the two different models, Zara shows the best trend. Although the company's competitiveness coefficient is not as high as Dior 's, the indicator will continue to grow in 2024-2025. Competitiveness coefficient Prada is most likely to grow in 2024-2025, but we did not receive precise confirmation of this from the results of two studies. For Dior, which has the highest competitiveness index even in 2020, which became difficult for all companies due to the pandemic, the ratio is expected to decrease in the forecast years and although this indicator will still have the highest value among the companies studied. Nike's forecast indicators do not have a certain trend, as the ratio first increases in 2024 and then decreases in 2025, but still remains lower than this indicator in 2022.
URI: http://dspace.puet.edu.ua/handle/123456789/14575
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті (ННІДО МЕМЕВ)

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