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Название: Vlasenko V. A. Principled approach to the formation of anti-crisis program of enterprise development in the conditions of transformation processes. Економічний простір. Збір. наук. праць / ДВНЗ «Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури». Дніпро : ПДАБА, 2021. № 170. C. 124-129.
Авторы: Vlasenko, Valentyn Anatoliyovych
Ключевые слова: Crisis
the crisis processes
the crisis phenomena
financial crisis
the plan of anti-crisis measures
anti-crisis development program at the enterprise
the team of anti-crisis managers
anti-crisis process
Дата публикации: 30-Июн-2021
Серия/номер: ;№ 170/2021
Аннотация: The methodological and practical recommendations for the formation and implementations of an effective anti-crisis development program at the enterprise in the market conditions are substantiated. For this purpose the author's version of the structure of the anti-crisis development program at the enterprise in separate sections is recommended. The stages of the formation mechanism of crisis management at the enterprise in the conditions of economic crisis that allowed systematizing actions of separate subjects of anti-crisis process are considered. The content of the principal version of the anti-crisis development program at the enterprise for the perspective period is disclosed. As a result of the research, the separate tasks facing the employees are proposed, the actions and measures necessary for their implementation are singled out, the responsible persons, the terms of the program implementation and the necessary amount of financial resources are determined.
URI: http://dspace.puet.edu.ua/handle/123456789/11245
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті (ННІДО ЕКБІС)

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